Mathematically Perfected Economy offers singular solution to the faults of the present terminal obfuscation of our money.

Mathematically Perfected Economy™ (MPE™) is the singular integral solution to 1) inflation and deflation, 2) systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property, and 3) inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a vital circulation, engendering inevitable systemic failure at a finite system lifespan defined by an inevitable, terminal sum of insoluble debt. Mathematically Perfected Economy™ is every prospective debtor’s right to issue their promise to pay, free of extrinsic manipulation, adulteration, or exploitation of that promise, or the natural opportunity to make good on it.

Mathematically Perfected Economy offers singular solution to the faults of the present terminal obfuscation of our money. 


To deal with climate change we need a new money system

Abolishing interest isn’t a new idea, but it could hold the secret to ending our economies’ environmentally damaging addiction to growth


When it comes to global warming, we know that the real problem is not just fossil fuels – it is the logic of endless growth that is built into our “economic” system. If we don’t keep the global economy growing by at least 3% per year, it plunges into crisis. That means we have to double the size of the economy every 20 years, just to stay afloat. It doesn’t take much to realise that this imperative for exponential growth makes little sense given the limits of our finite planet.

Rapid climate change is the most obvious symptom of this contradiction, but we’re also seeing it in the form of deforestation, desertification and mass extinction, with species dying at an alarming rate as our consumption of the natural world causes their habitats to collapse. It was unthinkable to say this even 10 years ago, but today, as we become increasingly aware of these crises, it seems all too clear: our “money system” is incompatible with life on this planet.

The question is what to do about it. How can we redesign the global economy to bring it in line with the principles of ecology? The most obvious answer is to stop using GDP to measure economic progress and replace it with a more thoughtful measure – one that accounts for the ecological and social impact of economic activity. Renegade economists like Kate Raworth is making headlines with her Doughnut Economics and is calling for such changes for years and it’s time we listened.

But replacing GDP is only a first step. While it might help refocus economic policies on what really matters, it doesn’t address the main driver of growth: INTEREST. Interest is the reason the economy has to grow in the first place. Because debts are subject to interest, it grows exponentially – so if a person, a business, or a country wants to pay down debt over the long term, they have to grow enough to at least match the growth of their debt. But with or without growth, debt piles up and eventually triggers an economic crisis. No such thing is economy at all!

Debt Jubilee

One way to relieve the pressure for endless growth might be to cancel some of the debt – a kind of debt jubilee. But this would only provide a short-term fix; it wouldn’t get to the real root of the problem: that the global “economic” system runs on “money” that is itself debt subject to interest.

“Money” creation

This might sound a bit odd, but it’s quite simple. When you walk into a bank to take out a loan, you assume that the bank is lending you money it has in reserve – money that it stores somewhere in a vault, for example, collected from other people’s deposits. But that’s not how it works. Banks only hold reserves worth between 5% and 10% of the money they lend out. In other words, banks lend out 10 to 20 times more money than they actually have. This is known as fractional reserve banking.

So where does all that additional money come from? The popular saying is that “banks create it out of thin air” when they make loans – they loan “money” into existence. But that´s a misleading way to describe what really happens. Without becoming to technical, the banking system never ever in the history of banking gave up anything of value in the process of money creation and are not even risking anything.  In contract law, each party has to give up consideration for the contract to be valid, “quid pro quo”. The banking system never has, and never will give up consideration. It is the people giving up consideration with respect to their labour and collateral, such as a house, in the money creation process.  I will leave it here, but legally something is very wrong.

Given the above, this accounts for about 95% of the money circulating in our economy right now. It’s not created by the government, as most people assume: it is created by commercial banks in the form of loans. In other words, every currency that passes through our hands represents somebody’s debt. And the debt has to be paid back with interest. Debt is now comprised of the principal amount + added interest. Only the principal amounts enters our economy. Because our money system is based on debt + INTEREST, it has a growth imperative baked into it. It is mathematically impossible to pay down any prior sum of debt without “borrowing” further. Think about that for a second! In other words, our money system is heating up the planet.

Pseudo solutions

Once we realise this, some people propose as a “solution” that we need banks to keep a bigger fraction of reserves behind the loans they make. This would go a long way toward diminishing the amount of debt sloshing around in our economy, helping reduce the pressure for economic growth. But at the same time, it would diminish the money supply so dramatically that a crisis would be imminent. Those who advocate these sort of measures, including rules and regulations, have no leg to stand on really, because at most it can only temper an inherently terminal system.

Then there’s an even more exciting “solution” some might consider. We could abolish debt-based currency altogether and invent a new money system completely free of intrinsic debt. Instead of letting commercial banks create money by lending it into existence, we could have the state create the money and then spend it into existence. New money would get pumped into the real economy instead of just going straight into financial speculation where it inflates huge asset bubbles that only benefit the mega-rich. But how do we account for inflation and deflation? And is the issue really debt?!

DEBT is not the issue

Debt is simply the tool to retire money from circulation and to keep a balance with whatever that money represents. Borrowing 100k to buy a 100k home, and then pay the 100k back at the rate of depreciation of that house hurts no one, and there is always a balance between remaining debt, the remaining free market value, and the remaining obligation to pay down the debt. There is always enough money in circulation to pay of any prior sum of debt without the need to borrow further, and without the need to grow further. We can clearly identify that the issue is interest, making it mathematically impossible to pay down any sum of debt without the need to borrow/grow further.


“Abolishing interest holds the secret to getting our system off its addiction to growth”

The faults of the present “money” system

  1. Inflation & Deflation
  2. Systematic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property
  3. Inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a vital circulation, engendering inevitable systemic failure at a finite system lifespan defined by an inevitable, terminal sum of insoluble debt.

Without making things to complicated, in layman terms;

Inflation: “Money” as we know it today does not holds its purchasing power, an ice cream in 1960 cost perhaps 10 cents, and today we pay 2 euro´s or more for the same ice cream, and it is not because there´s a shortage in ice cream. Somebody, or something, is stealing from us!

Because interest keep draining money from circulation (deflation) the money in circulation is decreasing against the things it should represent resulting in an imbalance which can only be restored temporarily with further “borrowing”, but at the same time the sum of debt keeps going up until we can no longer afford servicing the escalating debt. Simply put, debts keep multiplying, due to interest, until we fail … again.

“Every “economy” subject to interest will eventually terminate itself under insoluble debt”


The responsibility for money creation would be placed with an independent agency that – unlike banks – would be non-profit, democratic, accountable, and transparent, so money would become a truly public good. A mere accounting system to keep track of our promissory notes.

This is not a fringe proposal. It has been around since the early 60´s, when Mike Montagne proposed it as a way to solve the previously mentioned faults of the “money“ system.

Mathematically Perfected Economy (MPE), as it was called, made headlines again during the 2008 crisis, when progressive activists put it forward as a strategy for preventing the global financial crisis from recurring. They pointed out that MPE would dramatically reduce both public and private debt and make the world economy sustainable.

What they noticed is that abolishing interest also holds the secret to getting our system off its addiction to growth, and therefore to arresting climate change. As it turns out, reinventing our money system is crucial to our survival in the Anthropocene – at least as important as getting off fossil fuels. And this idea is already beginning to gain traction: worldwide, the campaigning group People for Mathematically Perfected Economy has generated momentum around it, building on a series of excellent explanatory videos.

“Mathematically perfected economy is little more than elimination of interest in lieu of a singular charge, equal to the value of actual financial services rendered.

The currency of mathematically perfected economy is purely a token of value. Rather than being issued by the privilege of private profiteers, it is issued and regulated by mutual consent of the public itself, without profit, that it may be purely a token of value, and that as a token of value, it replicates the natural processes of true free enterprise.

To replicate the processes of true free enterprise, it is only necessary to synchronize payment of debt with rate of consumption, that in trade, every producer receives equal to their production.

Beyond this, mathematically perfected economy is merely to provide adequate circulation, that all possible commerce can be sustained. The quantity of circulation necessary to sustain trade of all production is equal to the production itself. No circulation comes into existence without creation of equivalent production. The value of the circulation is comprised directly of, and without obstruction of procuring, the value of the production it immutably represents.”

The idea has its enemies, of course. If we shift to a Mathematically Perfected Economy, the banking system will no longer have the power to literally make money out of nothing and the rich will no longer reap millions from asset bubbles. Unsurprisingly, neither of these groups would be pleased by this prospect. But if we want to build a fairer, more ecologically sound economy, that’s a battle that we can’t be afraid to fight.

Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy

Mathematically perfected economy: Singular prescription for true free enterprise, and full, unimpeded prosperity.


“Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Martin Luther King

The whole purpose of representative government is free coexistence, on equal terms. Classes and privilege, particularly where welded to government establishment, are entirely inconsistent with representation intended to render just coexistence. Abuse of power itself is known by degree of obstruction to free and equal coexistence. The more severe the iniquity, the greater the oppression.

When a government imposes a “financial” system upon its people which forces them to pay lifetimes, generation upon generation, for the very homes they produce themselves by a few months’ work; When a government imposes a “financial” system which, by perpetually multiplied financial leverage, is capable alone of installing political representatives perpetually favorable to further maldistribution of wealth and power by that system, to the ever greater detriment of the people; When the ostensible principles of that system are not subject to vigorous public debate and obvious, due repeal; When a government imposes a “financial” system which spreads its oppression to further nations, there too above true accountability to their people; and, When a government conspires with peers in abuse of power across the world, to spread “financial” systems across the world which further multiply unearned and undeserved takings from diverse people by multiplication of debt so severe, the abuse imposes upon the world itself, the brink of collapse under insoluble debt, there is no question abuse of power is great.

The perpetually multiplying accumulation of wealth by usury is manifested largely by the nuance of “interest” being withdrawn from circulation, and, that to retain the vital circulation, interest must be borrowed back as perpetually increases subsequent debt so much as periodic interest. Payments against debt must be re-borrowed as new debt. Payments against interest increase the sum of debt, in proportion to the circulation, or commerce which can be sustained by it.

This ever-multiplied, unearned profit is largely responsible for all further maldistribution of wealth from those who produce it. Consequent debt, diminished credit-worthiness, and ever-more-overwhelming costs of debt service under a circulation characteristically far less than production, further preclude, to a huge degree, the much greater prosperity we are otherwise capable of.

Mathematically perfected economy is little more than elimination of interest in lieu of a singular charge, equal to the value of actual financial services rendered.

The currency of mathematically perfected economy is purely a token of value. Rather than being issued by the privilege of private profiteers, it is issued and regulated by mutual consent of the public itself, without profit, that it may be purely a token of value, and that as a token of value, it replicates the natural processes of true free enterprise.

To replicate the processes of true free enterprise, it is only necessary to synchronize payment of debt with rate of consumption, that in trade, every producer receives equal to their production.

Beyond this, mathematically perfected economy is merely to provide adequate circulation, that all possible commerce can be sustained. The quantity of circulation necessary to sustain trade of all production is equal to the production itself. No circulation comes into existence without creation of equivalent production. The value of the circulation is comprised directly of, and without obstruction of procuring, the value of the production it immutably represents.

How then is prosperity financed so as currency, and the regulation of a circulation, replicate true free enterprise?

In the case of a $100,000 home with a hundred year lifespan, the cost of the home is paid to the producer with a debt assumed by the possessor. The debt is paid off at the rate of consumption — which is $1,000 per year, or $83 per month.

Across all time, and in every case, the system requires debtors pay against their consumption of production, with an equal measure of production, earned by way of an immutable currency available in exactly the quantity necessary to do so. Everyone pays for their consumption with, and only with, an equal measure of production.

Inflation and deflation are impossible, as the circulation is at all times equal to the current value of production. All debt can be paid off with the circulation. All production can be procured and traded without impediment by the circulation. Debt is not multiplied at all by interest.

The cost of new money is only the cost of qualifying credit-worthiness. The money serves as a token of value; and its value is constituted by the very production for which it is issued.

Where all unindebted assets and services may be financed to their full value, every respect of true free enterprise is replicated, with the sole additional cost of maintaining a universal circulation being qualification of credit-worthiness, and accounting for payment.

Society maintains and enforces the system, and assures compliance of debtors 1. There is no risk to, nor reliance upon, any private creditor whatever.

By funding government likewise, here too, all costs of interest are avoided. True government services, rendered for proper costs, cost the people only production equivalent to what they receive of such services. By attaching taxes to consumption directly reflecting consumption of government services 2, tremendous overhead is eliminated. By taxing only for what is rendered, and to whom it is rendered, loopholes to government abuse of taxation are sealed. Taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax, property tax, and inheritance tax are entirely without justification.

Extrinsic cost, perpetual multiplication of all costs, homelessness, unemployment, underemployment, instability, preclusion of prosperity, recession, depression, and insoluble debt — imposed by the usury of the present world’s central banking systems — are unimposed by mathematically perfected economy.

What kind of society should find true free enterprise undesirable is difficult to conceive, as its very pattern is the unimpeded human intention of necessarily fair trade.


To find the players in all the corruption of the world, “Follow the money.” To find the captains of world corruption, “Follow the money all the way.”

mike montagne — PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy



PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy

Introduction to Mathematically Perfected Economy

Introduction to Mathematically Perfected Economy

It is not easy to summarize Mathematically Perfected Economy, because it has many ramifications. I tried to keep my answer lean, but it is nearly impossible. So, I ask you beforehand not to be upset by the extensiveness of this message.

MPE is basically a set of proven mathematical principles that identifies and clarifies the true nature of currency, and its life-cycle. It is a long-standing proof (a proven mathematical theorem, rather than simply a theory) of singular solution to the faults of any prospective economy. In the end it is a platform for the restoration of rights, and the rectification of the monetary systems across the world. A complete prescription for the transformation of the current systems of exploitation into a proven just system.

It also categorically refutes any and all other “monetary reform” propositions out there, showing how and why they can only result in economic improprieties and eventually in terminal economic failure. MPE was first introduced in 1968, by Mike Montagne, but it was during the 70’s that he tried to reach politicians, hoping to warn them about the most damaging problems we face because of the absurd way the monetary system is set up. Since, and including Gerald Ford, all American presidents and many candidates received letters with these proofs from Mike.

Our models from 1984 predicted monetary failure around 2010.

The Reagan campaign was the first that responded to him. In 1983/84, the author of MPE created a computer model and provided the Reagan administration with it. This model could project when the terminal failure of the current monetary system would transpire. They understood Mike was right about his premises, however they only wanted to know when the economy would enter the terminal stage of failure, instead of tackling the inherent injustices of this system that can only exploit it’s subjects. The computer model projected, due to the data they provided, that the global terminal failure would transpire approximately 2010.

MPE proves how banks commit the most severe crimes against the people, by laundering all ‘principal’ ever created, into their unwarranted possession, and by then multiplying those initial sums of falsified debt – by way of the unjustifiable imposition of interest/usury –  into terminal sums of insoluble falsified debts.

Here we are, in 2018, and the current system can only be preserved (for the benefit of the few) with what we call ‘artificial sustention’, otherwise known as Quantitative Easening (QE), which is the artificial introduction of huge amounts of liquidity into circulation, attempting to avoid a general collapse of all industries.

Origins of money

They, the banks, are in truth, mere publishers of the evidence of the peoples’ ‘promissory obligations’ to each other. To understand what this means, I think it is necessary to understand the origins of money first:

Since the conception of money, nearly 5 thousand years ago, in the region of Sumeria, the system of credit was introduced to facilitate the exchanges between people, and the vehicle that allowed that to happen, was what we now call ‘promissory obligations’.

Since that time, money comes into existence through promissory notation. But, this fact has been obfuscated and distorted through the centuries. In antiquity, the money used, in commercial arrangements, were clay tablets, made to register obligations between producers. This means that the accounts of so-called economists and historians, who say gold and precious metals were the first “type” of money that men used to substitute for barter, is yet another misconception, generally spread to keep the exploitation and obfuscation in place.

A Promissory Obligation represents the commitment of an issuer of money, to redeem that note with his own production. So, a creditworthy individual, when lacking ‘notes’ to acquire the production of another productive person, issues a promissory obligation and promises to pay with his own labour/production, in equal measures to that which he has acquired.

This is how money used to function in ancient times: a producer of chickens who wanted to increase his production, and needed chicken feed to reach that goal, would approach a producer of grains and issue to him a promissory note, promising to redeem it with so many chickens, in exchange for so many kilos of grains. The grain producer would give him credit and accept the notes of that obligor. That meant that, he, the grain producer, was the creditor, and that piece of paper or clay tablet was money; or the evidence of his entitlement; a token of value; currency.

That note could then circulate, because the creditor could use it to acquire the production of others, who also accepted that type of note, believing as they did, that it would be redeemed for the chickens of the original issuer. Once redeemed, the promissory note was naturally retired, because, and this is crucial, that promise had been fulfilled.

Despite the lies that we have today, fulfilled promises are property of no one. They become naturally null and void upon fulfilment, otherwise there is fraud.

The (terminal) obfuscation of our promissory obligations

The money we have today is still born out of the promissory obligations of the people. When we enter a bank and ask for a ‘loan’ to buy a home, for instance, the sum we purportedly borrow, is created only after we sign the promissory notes, and the banking system then charge us interest, when they never even had that money in the first place. They simply publish secondary representations of the actual issuer’s promissory obligations, claiming prior ownership of the tokens of value, that the true creditor (the constructor of that home in this case) receives. And then, they charge the true issuer of money interest – properly called usury – as if they had actually given up ‘commensurable consideration of value’, or property of their own.

But the fact is, that NO ‘borrowing’, at all takes place in those loan or mortgage ‘agreements’.  Banks simply do not own, so therefore cannot loan, the money that they insist that we must borrow from them, in the form of their purported “loan and mortgages”. No bank ever signs these documents either, further confirming that production of money is an “unilateral commitment to pay”, not a “bilateral contract to pay back”. The work called “Modern Money Mechanics”, produced by the Federal Reserve of Chicago, is an admission of this reality.

It is vital to understand, that the banks do not even create money ‘out of thin air’ as so many “monetary reformists” claim, because it is the PEOPLE who create money, not banks, and it is created out of the PEOPLE’S ability and capacity to produce and redeem that original obligation, even though the further imposition of interest depletes this ability and engenders defaults.

The bank is not the real creditor even, because it is the previous owner or constructor of the related home that is. This is the most monumental crime ever perpetrated against humanity, because all sorts of aberrations, subversion of reality and other crimes or symptoms that the honest people of the world contend with and face, are derived from this original absurdity.

In truth, the banking industry takes no risk at all. Neither do they, ever, lend us any money, at all; neither from their own funds, not from that of their depositors. All money, apart from perhaps the approximately 3% that is coined and printed into existence by government, is created solely by the signatures of the “purported” borrowers.

Even the ‘expansion of the monetary base’, claimed by so-called economists, is completely absurd. It is an attempt to create money, to allegedly pay for government projects through bonds, pieces of paper, which are generally bought by the very same banks that rob the people, at interest anyway. Then, another huge injustice that is carried out, as the people are obliged to work and are taxed to pay for ever escalating sums of artificial debt. But even these bonds are themselves just ‘promissory obligations’, signed, as they are, by those who merely purport to actually ‘represent’ the ‘will of the people’.


I too had never heard of MPE, prior to 2007. Despite long personal research into monetary reform. But, once I grasped MPE’s basic concepts and mathematical logic, and after diligently studying it, I came to the inevitable conclusion that it was, without doubt, the single solution that we must all unite around and implement, if we are ever to prevail against injustice, and restore monetary rectitude.

To begin with, there are some basic unequivocal principles that no other monetary reform group is correctly identifying and addressing.

  1. WE, as individuals, create money, because money is a representation of our labour and production; and WE are the true creditors, as only WE even can produce and exchange our production for promissory obligations, also known as money.
  2. Money, in its purest form, is simply a ‘representation of entitlement’, enabling us to draw on the ‘overall pool of wealth’. It allows a creditworthy party, or individual, to issue a ‘promise to pay’ for the production that a true creditor (not a bank) gives up.

This is the true nature of money: a Promissory Obligation to pay back to the ‘pool of wealth’ (goods and services), in equal measure, to that which the issuer has taken from it. In other words, it is an obligation to redeem the ‘Promissory Notes’, with an equivalent production to that which was acquired from the actual creditor.

I know that these core principles may at first seem a little complex, but, it is the very fact that the people have handed over and abrogated their responsibility to understand money, that has led to the ‘take over’ of us all by the ruse called banking in the first place.

Mike and the “economic” teacher

At this point, I think it would be important to mention a discussion that took place when Mike Montagne was 16 years old, and he was attending an economics lecture.

Before he got there, he was already considered to have advanced knowledge of mathematics for his age.

His teacher was explaining the widely held theory of monetary inflation, and its alleged effects.

The teacher then used the accepted explanation, still blindly taught by nearly the entire world, that says that: ‘the expansion of the money supply results in the increase of prices of the products’.

But first, the teacher said that ‘all money was created as debt, subject to interest’. After that, Mike had all the necessary data to identify the impossibility of these mainstream erroneous concepts.

Because if all money is created as a debt, subject to interest – and given that inflation and deflation are commonly defined, respectively, as increases or decreases of money in circulation per goods and services (represented wealth) – it is impossible to even suffer from too much money in circulation, per represented wealth.

His first question to his teacher, back in 1968, was:

“If all the money is loaned into circulation as debt, and the debts are subject to interest, and if we cannot borrow more than the value of whatever we are borrowing the money for, it is unclear first of all how it is even possible to suffer what you define to be “inflation.

“In other words, if we can’t borrow $50,000 to buy a $35,000 home or $50 to buy a $20 tire, then how can we possibly ever suffer ‘inflation’?”

And so he unfolded it, unravelling the underlying mechanics of the current monetary system:

“We have an inherently, irreversibly multiplying sum of debt [by interest], which ultimately engenders collapse, and which, all along the irreversible path to that collapse, imposes ever greater costs of servicing ever greater debt. While I can understand that these costs manifest in ever greater prices as industry has to account for their erosion of profit margins, it is also true that ever less of the circulation can be devoted to commerce, as ever more of the circulation is inherently devoted instead, to servicing debt. Eventually, even all of the circulation is devoted to servicing debt.”

MPE’s first steps, back then in 1968, already dismantled the common lies of economy that we still carry out in 2018.

In the subsequent years, Mike developed the theory into a whole, rounded out, theorem; the answers, and solution, to the inherent problems of this model of economy we are all in.

The solution is relatively simple, and it doesn’t take too much effort to comprehend it.

There is only one solution to any mathematic riddle, and in fact, MPE is the only veritable and accountable solution to the monetary aspects of any prospective economy:

1) Inflation and deflation;

2) Systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property;

3) Inherently irreversible multiplication of falsified debt by interest.

1)  As inflation and deflation are defined as increases or decreases of money in circulation in relation to the represented wealth, then only a circulation which is perpetually equal to the remaining value of all represented wealth can eradicate both problems.

2)  Systemic manipulation, which is a combination of faults 1 and 3, culminates in dispossession of the unwitting victims, and huge amounts of money and property being unwarrantedly taken from the people, and made available to those who take advantage of the crimes imposed on the rest of us. All this is solved by the combination of the solutions for faults 1 and 3.

3)  The solution for the inevitable escalation of falsified debts to mere publishers of money by interest, is the complete eradication of interest/usury.


MPE will eradicate the potential faults and allow industry to prosper to the full extent it is capable of, by establishing a perpetual 1:1:1 relationship (ratio) between:

– Remaining money in circulation;

– Remaining value of all represented property;

– Remaining obligation to pay just that much for the value of represented property.

Money is to be created, and to enter into circulation, to represent value of property; the representations (money) are to be retired according to the rates of consumption of the related properties; the properties depreciate at the same rate.


Under MPE, we only pay for what we consume, as we consume of the related properties.

Only under MPE will the people have ‘immutable’ tokens of value. In other words, the money earned will have the same purchasing power throughout time. The unit of value will not suffer the unwarranted consequences of inflation or deflation. Therefore, the people will not see their entitlements drained invisibly into the hands of criminals.

It is easy to understand, that under the current system of interest, we have our labour exploited by deftly concealed mechanisms, as the money we earn today cannot buy the same things throughout time. It is a modern equivalent of servitude or slavery, perpetrated against the people.

MPE will accomplish its objectives by restoring the universal right of individuals, to issue their own unexploited promissory obligations to actual creditors, free of extrinsic manipulation, or adulteration. And by adopting the obligatory schedule of payment, to retire (extinguish) the promissory notes from circulation, at the rate of consumption or depreciation of the related properties.

We use the basic example of a home to better explain how MPE will function. Under a rectified economy, a $100.000 home with a rate of consumption or depreciation of 100 years, will cost to the issuer/obligor only $1.000 per year, or $83.33 per month (considering a linear rate).

Expanding on that example, a person who wants to buy that home, monetizes the property through what will be called the Common Monetary Infrastructure (CMI), which will be a transparent body of government, fully controlled by, and fully accountable to the people.

Then, the previous owner/creditor of the home, will be credited in his account, the full principal from the outset ($100 K). And, the issuer/obligor, commits himself to pay for the home at its rate of depreciation.


Under MPE, instead of paying sufficient to actually buy 2, 3 or 4 houses in order to secure just 1, and even then, being subject to failure and to losing that house in the process (even when it’s been already paid), all due to dispossession, inherent in deflationary circulation as we have to endure today, the creditworthy individuals [certified by simple mathematics] will pay for just 1 house.

In the end, MPE is the equivalent to a ‘monetized barter system’, with the enhancements of a just and accountable credit system added; one which, by its very design, simply cannot inflict any injustice upon society, as it maintains an immutable representation of entitlement which is the only reason for money to exist.

The transition to MPE will count all ‘prior payments’ of interest, instead towards ‘principal’. For example, if someone payed for a home worth $100K, $50K in principal, and $50K in interest, then this person would be deemed to have ‘paid in full’ for the property, and no further payments of funds would be required for that house.

“Absolute Consensual Representation” (ACR) is the other crucial second strand of the work we do in support of Mike Montagne’s work.  ACR is a political reform of the voting system, that allows the MPE transformation to take place. It is a set of principles of representation that prevents corruption and establishes the sovereignty of the people.

The amendments, with the prescriptions for each, can be found at:

Please, don’t hesitate to ask me any questions. This issue is absolutely vital, it is the single most important set of principles imaginable, and it is a genuine piece of history that is just waiting to be written by those who see it for what it is. Not just for our own benefit, but for the benefit of all future generations to come. The responsibility to put an end to this aged old crime perpetrated against humanity is on us.


Deense leerlingen tonen gevaar van Wifi aan met experiment

Mathematically Perfected Currency & Economy

Bron: lexnaturalis

Deense brugklasleerlingen verbazen wetenschappers met hun Wifi experiment


De 5 meiden die met hun WiFi-experiment op tuinkerszaadjes de wereldpers haalden.

De 5 meiden uit de brugklas van de Hjallerup School die met hun experiment over de invloed van WiFi-straling op ontkiemende tuinkerszaadjes de wereldpers haalden. (vlnr: Lea Nielsen, Mathilde Nielsen, Signe Nielsen, Sisse Coltau en Rikke Holm.)

Veel internationale wetenschappers zijn verblijd over de duidelijke uitkomsten van het biologie-experiment dat vijf meiden (foto) uit de brugklas van de Hjallerup School in Denemarken hebben uitgevoerd. Hun experiment heeft inmiddels al veel interesse gewekt bij wetenschappers in Engeland, Nederland en Zweden. Deze meiden wilde weten of de straling van WiFi, draadloos internet in huis, effect heeft op de groei en ontwikkeling van planten. Hun experiment bestond eruit dat ze 400 tuinkerszaadjes verdeelden over 12 kweekbakjes. Ze plaatsten 6 van die bakjes in 2 kamers op dezelfde temperatuur. Ze gaven alle bakjes evenveel water en zonlicht gedurende 12 dagen. Maar de helft…

View original post 1.697 woorden meer

Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy

Prospects and Prescription of Mathematically Perfected Economy

Singular prescription for true free enterprise, and full, unimpeded prosperity.

“Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Martin Luther King

The whole purpose of representative government is free coexistence, on equal terms. Classes and privilege, particularly where welded to government establishment, are entirely inconsistent with representation intended to render just coexistence. Abuse of power itself is known by degree of obstruction to free and equal coexistence. The more severe the iniquity, the greater the oppression.

When a government imposes a “financial” system upon its people which forces them to pay lifetimes, generation upon generation, for the very homes they produce themselves by a few months’ work; When a government imposes a “financial” system which, by perpetually multiplied financial leverage, is capable alone of installing political representatives perpetually favorable to further maldistribution of wealth and power by that system, to the ever greater detriment of the people; When the ostensible principles of that system are not subject to vigorous public debate and obvious, due repeal; When a government imposes a “financial” system which spreads its oppression to further nations, there too above true accountability to their people; and, When a government conspires with peers in abuse of power across the world, to spread “financial” systems across the world which further multiply unearned and undeserved takings from diverse people by multiplication of debt so severe, the abuse imposes upon the world itself, the brink of collapse under insoluble debt, there is no question abuse of power is great.

The perpetually multiplying accumulation of wealth by usury is manifested largely by the nuance of “interest” being withdrawn from circulation, and, that to retain the vital circulation, interest must be borrowed back as perpetually increases subsequent debt so much as periodic interest. Payments against debt must be re-borrowed as new debt. Payments against interest increase the sum of debt, in proportion to the circulation, or commerce which can be sustained by it.

This ever-multiplied, unearned profit is largely responsible for all further maldistribution of wealth from those who produce it. Consequent debt, diminished credit-worthiness, and ever-more-overwhelming costs of debt service under a circulation characteristically far less than production, further preclude, to a huge degree, the much greater prosperity we are otherwise capable of.

Mathematically perfected economy is little more than elimination of interest in lieu of a singular charge, equal to the value of actual financial services rendered.

The currency of mathematically perfected economy is purely a token of value. Rather than being issued by the privilege of private profiteers, it is issued and regulated by mutual consent of the public itself, without profit, that it may be purely a token of value, and that as a token of value, it replicates the natural processes of true free enterprise.

To replicate the processes of true free enterprise, it is only necessary to synchronize payment of debt with rate of consumption, that in trade, every producer receives equal to their production.

Beyond this, mathematically perfected economy is merely to provide adequate circulation, that all possible commerce can be sustained. The quantity of circulation necessary to sustain trade of all production is equal to the production itself. No circulation comes into existence without creation of equivalent production. The value of the circulation is comprised directly of, and without obstruction of procuring, the value of the production it immutably represents.

How then is prosperity financed so as currency, and the regulation of a circulation, replicate true free enterprise?

In the case of a $100,000 home with a hundred year lifespan, the cost of the home is paid to the producer with a debt assumed by the possessor. The debt is paid off at the rate of consumption — which is $1,000 per year, or $83,33 per month.

Across all time, and in every case, the system requires debtors pay against their consumption of production, with an equal measure of production, earned by way of an immutable currency available in exactly the quantity necessary to do so. Everyone pays for their consumption with, and only with, an equal measure of production.

Inflation and deflation are impossible, as the circulation is at all times equal to the current value of production. All debt can be paid off with the circulation. All production can be procured and traded without impediment by the circulation. Debt is not multiplied at all by interest.

The cost of new money is only the cost of qualifying credit-worthiness. The money serves as a token of value; and its value is constituted by the very production for which it is issued.

Where all unindebted assets and services may be financed to their full value, every respect of true free enterprise is replicated, with the sole additional cost of maintaining a universal circulation being qualification of credit-worthiness, and accounting for payment.

Society maintains and enforces the system, and assures compliance of debtors 1. There is no risk to, nor reliance upon, any private creditor whatever.

By funding government likewise, here too, all costs of interest are avoided. True government services, rendered for proper costs, cost the people only production equivalent to what they receive of such services. By attaching taxes to consumption directly reflecting consumption of government services 2, tremendous overhead is eliminated. By taxing only for what is rendered, and to whom it is rendered, loopholes to government abuse of taxation are sealed. Taxes such as income tax, capital gains tax, property tax, and inheritance tax are entirely without justification.

Extrinsic cost, perpetual multiplication of all costs, homelessness, unemployment, underemployment, instability, preclusion of prosperity, recession, depression, and insoluble debt — imposed by the usury of the present world’s central banking systems — are unimposed by mathematically perfected economy.

What kind of society should find true free enterprise undesirable is difficult to conceive, as its very pattern is the unimpeded human intention of necessarily fair trade.

To find the players in all the corruption of the world, “Follow the money.” To find the captains of world corruption, “Follow the money all the way.”

Mike Montagne

“If this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in the American Republic, shall become permanent, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

Hazard Circular — London Times, exposing the Bank of England’s reasons to establish a central bank here, and referring to the original United States’ resistance to a central bank “economy” — or circulation subject to usury.

“A country voting each for the self determines a subclass few of them will truly belong to, prevailing at the cost of the rest. Even a country voting for the good of all determines a good country only if it votes so well. It is incumbent on the wise to spread word of real solution.”

PLEASE promote mathematically perfected economy by forwarding our newsletters to your address book, and by publishing PFMPE URLs to forums, newsgroups, websites and newsmedia. Where an ostensibly representative government and media serve oppression, everyone not participating effectually in solution is an accessory to the consequences.

PEOPLE For Mathematically Perfected Economy

If I were President, I could arrest monetary failure in less than a day

If I were President, I assert that by exercising the following prescription, I could arrest the present monetary failure in less than a day; and I could establish a perpetual, sustainable solution, or absolute economy, in perhaps less than a month.

You may of course never elect me. But still the purpose of this page is to explain how to do so — how to immediately transform unsustainable systems of usury into mathematically perfected economy™. We have already sufficiently explained why.

This program of course could be implemented by any nation, collection of nations, continent, and so forth. While world leaders can and have stood in the way of mathematically perfected economy™, nonetheless I further assert that mathematically perfected economy™ is inevitable not only for the reasons given already, but those to follow as well.

Obviously, present world conditions call for this resolution loudly; and so, unless mathematically perfected economy™ can indeed be invalidated, those who will neither hear nor heed immediately, therefore condemn the rest of us to the calamity before us.

This proposition is no casual or recent matter of relatively little development or survival of test cases. Its initial form was developed seriously since early 1979, before I provided computer models to the Reagan Administration just a few years later. Those models of course readily tested for interest free cases. Primarily however, they projected not only the otherwise unforeseen federal debt which President Reagan’s two terms eventually accumulated. They further anticipated in 1983 that for expected interest rates and growth, that public and private debt would multiply at rates which would develop terminal sums of U.S. debt, and potential world wide monetary failure. Our projections determined this would occur at approximately 2010 AD.

Essentially then, the designed power of those elementary but potentially exceedingly accurate models, was to calculate the maximum possible lifespan of any purported economy subject to interest. You can still download the models from our pages.


All subjects of contemporary, pretended economies have critical interests in veritable solution; and rightly, only by prevailing understanding can a publicly approved solution ever have emerged.

That we can say there are legitimate representative governments, true representation always seeks and finds not only the ideal, but the due, certifiable approval of their apprised people. Given the critical circumstances, just such a process is to be expected now more than ever.

Because the problems and consequences before us are universal, a model for real solution must solve for the innate, sustainable interests of all. That is, it must solve for the world — not just a country, not just a generation, not just a time, not just a class, not just a disposition.

Effectively then, we can only seek to prosper so much as our contribution to the pool of wealth; and we must seek to prosper only so much, in whatever way cannot and will not deprive others of the opportunity to prosper likewise.

No matter the issues necessarily addressed then, this is the primary object and final test not only of this proposition, but of any prospective/purported solution.


As we have said, the critical breaking point of the pretended financial systems of the world is predicated by irreversible, perpetual escalation of artificial sums of debt, which ultimately exceed a finite capacity to service debt. Vast, persistent housing foreclosures, marginalization of industry, and destruction of credit-worthiness are obvious, inevitable consequences of the final stages of this artificial, escalated multiplication.

In the terminal stages of its practical lifespan, such a system requires paying the vastest costs of servicing debt out of circulation. Yet these very same terminal sums of debt finally destroy the last remaining possibility of sufficient credit worthiness to assume further debt. So much as the vital circulation can only be replenished by further borrowing then, the very multiplied indebtedness of the final state makes it impossible to justify “credit” as would maintain a vital circulation. It is at this juncture then that “the economy” suddenly collapses.

To prevent this final, potentially sudden collapse, it is necessary therefore to prevent a final/terminal cycle of deflation.


  1. To avert a terminal cycle of deflation, and to arrest further development of the failure by further multiplication of indebtedness, we must immediately suspend all payments against debts subject to interest to “banks” (or “credit”/”lending” institutions), and from all intermediate “banks” to the “central bank.”

    1. To sustain other incidental lenders across a brief period of transition to mathematically perfected economy™, the accounts of small, private creditors (home owners carrying the paper on a sale of their home for instance) would be credited (artificially) with so much as the payments they are accustomed to receiving, without taking these payments from the debtor.

    2. Any other possible conduits of deflation are sealed, including taxation. Federal taxes are suspended and the states are asked or required to suspend state and local taxations.

    3. Accounts of retired persons are credited with advance sustenance as will be completed in later stages of what yet amounts to a more or less immediate recovery (4.g.), not just to pre-collapse conditions, but to a level of prosperity several times that.

    4. Necessary government programs are funded temporarily by new circulation, with the tolerance for this brief measure to sustain necessary government activities being the tremendous present deflation of the circulation.

Effective immediately then, not only would critically marginalized home owners be able to stay in their homes, *all* home owners and all surviving industry would immediately have the entire former costs of servicing debt available instead to sustain necessary commerce. Immediately, industry would not only avoid and survive the imminent failure, but prosper across the transition period to substantial further extents which have otherwise been impossible.

A capacity to sustain unlimited further prosperity is eventually provided by converting the present system to mathematically perfected economy™ — effectively concluding a transition period existing only so long as necessary to set up accounting infrastructures, and to refinance debt under mathematically perfected economy™.

Meanwhile, there is no deflation; no need to borrow further to maintain a vital circulation; and we immediately prosper to whatever further degree we are relieved of servicing the existent sums of artificially multiplied debt.


To avoid theft of the liquidity which would suddenly be realized:

  1. Prices would be frozen. Commodities traders would be eliminated from the chain of purchase. Products would be directly delivered to markets by natural processes of distribution, without unearned taking. Commodities traders would be paid for their existing assets with a separate currency, temporarily at least dedicated to unearned taking. Just settlement of their unearned wealth would be settled later.

Having relieved not only the pressures of escalation, but the whole weight of servicing existent debt, no reason persists for bona fide industry to raise prices; and, granted such substantial further liquidity under existing price states, industry would immediately be free to sustain and generate further employment, while sustaining profit margins substantially beyond what was previously possible — if and only if truly free markets are liberated from predation.


False promise of redeemability.

  1. To resolve all debt to the unassented and unlawful central bank(s), I would scribble onto a piece of paper, “Will pay to the bearer upon demand, infinity.”

    This like irredeemable promise to pay would be offered with a cordial invitation to challenge this resolution of all debt in a fitting court of law (manned of course and accountable to the people), where on behalf of the people we would argue:

    1. that inherently no private entity has any right deprivable from any other private entity or person to issue irredeemable promises to pay (“Federal Reserve Notes”);

    2. that therefore on the one hand, the paper I have submitted satisfies the purported obligations;

    3. or on the other hand, there is no legal basis whatever for the purported debts;

    4. and most of all, that as the implementation of interest inherently multiplies debt in proportion to an obligated circulation, the imposed currency cannot constitute lawful obligations to “repay” debts which ultimately are purposely made insoluble by the very artificial conditions imposed upon the arrangement.

This of course would not resolve whatever assets have been acquired by equally/potentially illegitimate, unlawful means.

For now, like the resolution of assets acquired by commodities traders, I leave it to the people ultimately to determine whether they want to go after these assets, or whether we shall just call termination of all this good enough.

But should these banks or any advocate of the currency they have imposed upon us make any substantial effort from this time forth to obstruct or even discourage us from solution, I recommend instead not only to recover the assets/profits which have been dispossessed from us, but to try all persisting advocates for crimes against humanity — these being explicitly, whatever perpetuation of damages is suffered since these systems were imposed.


These measures, necessarily carried out before the onset of fatal deflation, arrest further failure within a day, with the additional liquidity immediately established being capable of sustaining multiples of present industry.

Those who delay implementation of this proposition therefore are responsible for the consequences this measure would avoid — 10,000 homes daily going into foreclosure, vast further dispossession, inevitable further failures of industry, and so forth. As the present arguments sufficiently demonstrate, all of said detrimental consequences can be arrested in less than a day.


  1. As soon as possible, to restore and sustain the industry we are capable of, an initial implementation of mathematically perfected economy™ is established under emergency conditions. Once electronic infrastructures are established to maintain the people’s accounts, that initial implementation comprises:

    1. refinancing of all private debt without interest, with schedules of payment being the rate of consumption or depreciation (which are to be understood to be equivalent);

      1. a general, de-escalated formula for depreciation shall be used for the initial implementation. Specialized formulas may be implemented thereafter;

      2. the remaining value of the related property shall be the refinanced sum, as determined by the general formula for depreciation;

    2. any payments so far made beyond the depreciation so far incurred and up to the full remaining value of the property shall be considered accumulated equity, counted against the balance of the remaining debt;

      1. equity in all property as determined by the general formula for depreciation can be financed likewise;

        thus the whole effective circulation is equal to the whole value of related wealth; and the remaining circulation is always equal to and redeemable in the very remaining value of the represented wealth, with this itself eliminating any cause or need for ostensible alternate monetary standards;

    3. debts which have been paid, in principal and interest both, to the extent of the remaining value of the property, shall be considered fulfilled;

    4. further financing for further production shall be made available under the same terms;

    5. private savings are converted into the new currency;

    6. otherwise, MPE™ currency is not interchangeable with the former Federal Reserve Note;

      mathematically perfected economy™ divorces itself from the previous, imposed system;

    7. to restore sustainable conditions with regard to retirement, the accounts of all working-age people are eventually to be credited with a facsimile of what they would have saved and could therefore have lived on should they have benefitted from mathematically perfected economy™ their whole working lives;

      To replace social programs which are unsustainable as a consequence of unfunded near term federal liabilities, a mandatory savings program is implemented in which the private individual takes an interest in preservation of the value of the currency (which is sustained by MPE™), and by which the individual is compelled to save some portion of their income over working years, which they may spend in retirement.

      For example, if for the purposes of calculation, working years are taken as the years 20 through 60, and savings are taken to necessarily account for 20 years thereafter, compulsive savings of 1/3 of income may be enforced across the 40 years to render the same standard of living across the latter 20. The ultimate terms of such a program are to be determined in the final implementation of MPE™ as agreed by the public.

      All people beyond the age of 20 then are to be credited so much, to establish a sustainable condition akin to what would have existed in mathematically perfected economy™ all this while. These savings of course are to serve in lieu of inherently unsustainable “social security.”

Sustainable conditions are thus immediately established; illimitable further prosperity is readily funded; and all this costs us nothing.

Under mathematically perfected economy™ then, a $100,000 home with a hundred year lifespan for instance would be financed at the overall rate of $1,000 per year or $83.33 per month, with the initial/general formula for depreciation dictating higher rates of payment in the initial phases of the debt, and substantially lower payments in the latter phases.

The emergency implementation of mathematically perfected economy™ serves as a proving or trial period, after which the subject populace may determine to retain or reject the proposition, optionally returning to the conditions formerly imposed by the previous system, or electing to adopt any other potential solution.

The time required to implement this trial depends upon development or adaptation of existing hardware and software technology to maintain the necessary accounts. Roughly a month of operation under emergency deflation prevention measures might be required before the necessary infrastructure can be developed/adapted, so that this perpetually sustainable trial phase of mathematically perfected economy™ can begin, for whatever duration the people elect to preserve it.


  1. Should the public elect to retain mathematically perfected economy™ after the emergency trial, its ultimate implementation is determined in regard to specialized rates of depreciation, scope of financed wealth, and potential relationships with other programs.

    It can be said that no risk is involved, because in all respects, emergency or otherwise, by eliminating the vast costs and destructive consequences of “interest,” these provisions generally engender as much as a dozen times the liquidity possible under the conditions of interest-bearing systems — particularly of course, prior to the present and ensuing phases of failure.

  2. Ostensible “foreign” debt of the people shall be collected from the sellers of the debt in the currency of which the debts were issued.


No one will ever stand for your liberation from usury so long as you, the people, fail to master the problem and its solution. When, and only when you will settle for nothing but the latter, none of the foes of justifiable economy can afford to stand against you.

It is your obligation then to broadcast this proposition of solution if you so see fit. We have no candidate to serve us. None apparently dare respond; and yet we have a critical election just weeks away. But if each of us immediately sent this proposition of solution to our entire address books, the entire country could be prepared to vote for solution in only days.

Shame on us then, if we can do no better.

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This of course is a serious appeal. Usury is not only terminal; its perpetuation requires usurpation, and that usurpation largely explains the undesirable world as it is. You will have no representation so long as there is apathy toward privatized currencies, which obviously have been imposed upon us for the very purpose of the multiplication of unearned profit which is responsible for the specter of world wide monetary failure before us.

In the introductory quotes with which I began this page, Ayn Rand tells us that “Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money.” I translate this and the rest to mean, “they start by imposing interest to multiply debt upon the circulation, for money free from that multiplication is mankind’s only protection from those men, and so, it is the only possible harbor of unsubverted moral existence.”

At present, while 10,000 homes a day are going into foreclosure, the media those men own suppresses the truth, saying such remarkable, ongoing events — and all the related evidence not just of depression, but of utter world-wide failure — are only fueling “fears” of a severe recession. On the contrary, no distortion could be more conducive itself to engendering failure, because it asks us to remain ignorant of all the things we can no longer afford apathy.

Before putting this matter to rest then, let us consider the opposite, positive case of Rand’s postulate:

When we are ready to deliver ourselves from oppression, necessarily, we will so understand first and foremost that “interest” can only multiply debt upon the obligated circulation, that no just person will refrain for a moment from assimilating the opposing, vital principle.

A succeeding republic of course must meet necessary minimal standards, first for deserving, and then for enforcing representation.

A truly positive people are not deterred from unity and purpose by a handful of usurers and whatever panderers, generations, or classes tie themselves to purse strings at so much cost to all the rest; they are not discouraged by anything from the good and due things people can readily achieve. Especially, they do not settle for less than ideals, when the ideal can be handed to them.



The pattern of higher, unassailable human laws follows a singular model in which damages are forbidden, liberties are granted uniformly, and no liberty exists to diminish or preclude the equal rights of others.

Like the gaudy titles by which phonies of every kind attempt to insulate so many deceptions today, the names given to the recent emergency legislation play to a world whom their authors hope will never grasp, understand, or heed a proposition or fact of one real, integral solution.

All of the purposed names given to this transgression together will never lend credibility to those who can never prove the pretentious things that panderers will assert, yet which can only hinge entirely upon the legislation’s wholly devoid integrity. Instead of proving pander, this infamous extension of theft from the people will provide a future icon of today’s delinquent, self-interested clowns, dupes, and shills, who meant together to profess to us falsely, to rule us by keeping the truth from us forever if possible, and to steal from us with such unwise and blatant abandon, so long as we remain so ignorant.

But this day was bound to come not just from the excesses of so many usurpers and perpetrators of fraud.

They who are against us, dipped of course always as deeply as we tolerated, while they obstructed us in every possible way from stopping them. Cries of excess were hardly heeded. And yet, even if none of them dipped ever so deeply from the well which could only drain all other wells dry, this day was always the inevitable culmination of that underlying well.

No matter the ways of dipping, or the names which takers give to them, the well of unearned taking itself sucks everything else dry. Superficial furtherances of the crime of course may indeed pick away at what else can be stolen from the pool of wealth — further depriving true producers of just reward for production, with the glee of participation granting free reign for the underlying drain to work the primary means of our demise, which is multiplication of indebtedness. But still, all dependent forms of unearned taking inevitably succumb too to the omnipotent, primary obligation to service a sum of debt multiplied perpetually and purposely by the very nature of the imposed currency.

All of us succumb then to an alpha taker, more immense, more unduly powerful, more entrenched, and even more unassented than however many dippings from its irreversible drainage.

While any further unearned taking then could itself otherwise engender terminal failure, the alpha well is the ultimate ruin of all.

Those who claim regulation is the issue have no leg to stand on.

There is of course no reasonable dream of regulating away the iniquities of inherently multiplying debt, without eradicating the very thing we might regulate. So long as the primary process takes unearned profit, terminal culmination of the process is ensured by the fact that either by greater increments or by lesser, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to the obligated circulation eventually exceeds the finite potential of the circulation to service debt.

We can readily understand this, as the instrument of the process is in fact endowed with few elementary powers, because just such few, comprehensible irregularities are necessary to its insurmountable purposes. The well that drains all other things can prevent or allow us from drinking from it, and it can regulate the rate at which it multiplies a sum of debt which ever moreso sucks the life out of everything.

But regardless even of presumably minimal rates of multiplication which might ostensibly justify the purpose of unearned taking, the process is ultimately terminal, and manifests its final stages of failure at inherently escalating rates.

How so?

To whatever degree we are compelled to maintain a vital circulation by re-borrowing principal and interest as subsequent sums of debt, the sum of debt increases irreversibly by ever greater increments of ever greater periodic interest on an ever greater sum of debt. As principal is re-borrowed, it is impossible to pay down the sum of debt; and it is impossible to sustain the vital circulation without further borrowing. Whatever interest we must re-borrow thus increases the sum of debt, escalating the onset of terminal failure.

So long as we maintain the vital circulation so, the process is irreversible. All the while, ever more of the obligated circulation is inherently dedicated to servicing debt, leaving ever less of the circulation to sustain the industry which is obligated to do so.

All of us can readily understand the singular possible outcome of this process. Being the primary obligation, these takings consume all other taking. Whether further thieves dip from the alpha well, we succumb to a system which in fact was engineered and imposed upon us for the very purpose of multiplying debt in proportion to the obligated circulation.

Such a system therefore can only expire at a maximum practical lifespan, at which it imposes upon its unwitting subjects a terminal sum of debt. When the music stops playing, no chairs are left, because they have all been taken by inherent, escalating dispossession, which of course ultimately results in complete dispossession. When the music stops, all the players trying to sit can only fall down. By only subverting the nature of currency, the central bank ultimately makes itself the real owner of all the chairs.

You yourself are headed there, until a prevailing majority of us understand solution. If you are not ready to do so, you are part of the problem. Otherwise, you won’t mind my repeating the few principles which deliver the fact of solution to the present, or perhaps to any heedful posterity.

Congressman Louis T. McFadden.

According to this thesis that such pretended economies ultimately engender unsurvivable sums of terminal debt, the purported bailout can only reasonably hope to let some of the bad guys out of town “with whole skins,” as Congressman Louis T. McFadden put it, reporting to Congress on June 10, 1932 from the midst of the first Great Depression.

The events and causes of then however, were no different and no greater mystery than their present reiteration. And so in fact, because the species of perpetrators and necessary methods of perpetration have no truly different manifestations, Mr. McFadden actually reported something further that we can only find even more familiar — that as the curtain dropped then too as an inevitable consequence of the same, terminal multiplication of indebtedness, the very perpetrators not only “got out with whole skins,” they “left the people of the United States to pay the piper.”

More correctly, as the final curtain fell, to save themselves at the end of that lifespan as well, the very perpetrators left the people with a further measure of debt, beyond the terminal sums of debt which the perpetrators had already imposed, and beyond therefore what had been proven by the events of the moment, was already such an excessive, insoluble sum of debt as the people already could not even afford to service.

Yet as I have said, this is the very nature and purpose of the system, even if the final act, in attempting to preserve the system for all this, is something like a murderer going through the motions of killing the victim again, after the fact. So it is not at all surprising that even in the end, consistent with that intrinsic purpose, the perpetrators seek to preserve their takings and even the means of those takings, by a coup de grace which sustains only the pattern of taking as if perpetual multiplication of artificial sums of debt is natural, normal, or just.

But obviously then, nothing could be further from solution than the present farce of a bailout. We only know from the facade of it what we are up against, should the people of the world storm their capitols, armed even with the only prescription for absolute solution.

So indeed, in the present replay of the scantly described, terminal cycle of taking, there is no mystery why the term “bailout” suggests that fools allow the perpetrators to prove for a while longer what they can never prove.

They say to you, save the banks, that the banks can continue to serve you. But they mean, save the subverted form of “money” which can only multiply debt into terminal sums of insoluble debt.

You are not faced with terminal failure because some of the outer institutions which steal from you are failing, having “invested” in the success the multiplication of debt denies you. You are at the brink of world-wide failure because even despite all the artificial means of sustention which can be tried, the alpha well ultimately succeeds in a vaster drainage, achieved by generating the terminal sums of debt everywhere around us.

The very perpetrators say to you now, take on the bad debts of these banks of every river draining into the alpha well, so that the banks might still for some little while even remain capable of giving you your own little remaining money. But your money is gone already, only because they have “invested” it in the water rushing into the alpha well.

The perpetrators of course want, forever if possible, to preserve their gargantuan parasite. Once the present lifespan is concluded, they would like to remain the publishers of that same kind of currency which can only convey all the wealth we produce to them, leaving us again and again in the wake of inevitable failure.

To sway the kind of fool who will never know better, they will give each further manifestation of that illegitimate currency a different name; they will tell us it is a new, better currency; they will assure us they have somehow prevented further failure. But they will never tell us how, because it will be the same currency — still having the singularly terminal power to multiply debt in proportion to a vital circulation.

The parasite can never afford to tell you how, because there is no how in retaining the process by which they intend to profit illimitably, and unjustifiably.

On the contrary then, not only is it completely unnecessary to save the parasite; we only ensure failure by its preservation.

Moreover, we certainly preserve the parasite by retaining the institutions which embody the very processes which can only engender our present problems. Our quest instead is to overrule those institutions and their bogus advocates, that we can solve the few rudimentary crimes imposed upon us.

Of course then, for leaving the very rats which steal so in charge of the hen house… preserving the parasite which can only multiply debt all the further, is all the purported bailout even pretends to do.

To understand this means of multiplying debt therefore, is to hold both solution and renegade government by the only grip which can set the hen house straight.

Which do you keep? And which do you eradicate?

If the perpetrators did not know the choice we should make, they would not prepare for what we have not yet done.

Yet if there were any police force or military or government which could hope to prevail in further preserving this system of stealing by openly declaring its means and purposes, there would be no reason to choose evasion and deception instead.

It is not then a matter of if the betrayers can rectify the “monetary” systems imposed upon the world, for we can clearly show the betrayers exactly how they can. With only rats in charge, to continue pretending representation then, they have no choice but to simply pretend they have never heard: there is of course no veritable argument which can invalidate the mathematic perfection of economy.

Realizing solution then is a matter of either a) what might possibly force the betrayers to abide by their obligations of representation, or b) how we will restore lawful government to ourselves — hopefully before the plans of an unlawful, self-appointed elite make that too late. But we are capable of solving the monetary calamity before us immediately, and without cost.

And we can prove how.

A magician has no power of magic. Nor of course does legislature.

And nor of course do I.

Mechanics rather, are the substance of succeeding, failing, or betraying processes. Thus a failing process, or a process of betrayal, can only be understood and solved by discerning its actual mechanics. Nothing is solved by facades and deceptions — particularly which certify not that we cannot solve our problems, but that the facades and deceptions of renegade governments are the problem.

A republic therefore succeeds only as its whole populace recognizes and adheres itself to the only principles and mechanics which can serve the whole.

It is not enough to say “understanding” is only so much as perceiving our problem is a parasitic process which can only multiply itself until the host dies. We must understand the subject mechanics of the process well enough to understand what is solution; for if there is but one integral solution — and I will sufficiently establish that fact — then a republic can never solve its problem of the particular parasite until it understands altogether what comprises that one integral solution.

Then and then alone can we unite upon solution in such a way that no renegade government would risk its neck in the final days of the calamity they have imposed upon us, to resist or evade solution.

If all of us together already understood what the vital monetary principles of salvation are, we would already be united against the violations of our laws and principles of sustenance.

That is of course, “if” the present seeming absence of solution is a matter of betrayal.

If on the other hand, the system of stealing which has been imposed upon us were sustainable, neither is that evident in the obvious present deterioration, or in the first, original fact that the field we so erroneously refer to as “economics” is not only wholly bereft of formal proof and theorem; it is wholly bereft even of a principle to deliver what is economic.

On the contrary, what we so erroneously refer to as “economics” is strictly a device for imposing oppression by multiplying indebtedness.

A practically unbelievable controversy thus exists between the utter facade of “economics” and mathematically perfected economy™. What are the differences? Where are the arguments?

The arguments of mathematically perfected economy™ are sufficiently documented by the work which compels this appeal to you [these pages].

Briefly however, the thesis identifies a potential for any purported economy subject to interest to terminate itself under insoluble debt. The subsequent solution of this process and the further problems imposable by the few powers of contemporary monetary systems, then build upon categorically ascertained faults of 1) inflation and deflation, 2) systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property, and 3) inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a circulation:

  1. Inflation and deflation in respect to whatever wealth the circulation is intended to represent are solved by paying off monetary obligations comprised only of principal, at the rate of consumption or depreciation of the related asset.

    It is impossible to solve inflation and deflation without eradicating interest, because monetary obligations subject to interest require paying out of circulation more than the original value of the related asset.

  2. Inherent, irreversible multiplication of debt in proportion to a circulation is solved by eradicating interest, which of course is the very singular process which irreversibly multiplies debt in proportion to the obligated circulation. This of course is the very cause of the present final, terminal sums of debt.

  3. Systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property is solved by the combined solutions of inflation and deflation (1) and inherent multiplication of debt by interest (3), which are the only powers these pretended monetary systems have to manipulate the cost or value of money or property.

By eliminating extrinsic costs, mathematically perfected economy™ therefore is absolutely “economic.” There is no multiplication of debt, no terminal multiplication of debt, no inherent devaluation of the currency, and no systemic manipulation of the cost or value of money or property whatever. The very powers of all these evils are simply stripped from mathematically perfected economy™.

Contemporary usury (“economy”) of course lacks any corresponding theorems or proofs, because in fact interest makes every aspect of the one integral solution impossible.

This, together with the assumable distribution of this unearned taking of course, explain why the advocates of usury even at its end, can only meet the proposition of mathematically perfected economy™ with evasion.

Mathematically Perfected Economy (MPE)

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Het geld systeem waarbij het volk over de geldcreatie gaat….

Geld & Monetaire Rechtvaardigheid

Een minimaal aspect van geld is representatie. Wat dient geld te vertegenwoordigen, of wat moet het vertegenwoordigen? Dit is de eerste vraag die we moeten beantwoorden voordat we een goed begrip kunnen krijgen wat monetaire rechtvaardigheid is, en hoe we een eerlijk monetair systeem kunnen ontwikkelen.

We kunnen kortweg stellen dat geld de meeteenheid is van waarde, zoals bijvoorbeeld “kilo” een meeteenheid is van gewicht. Essentieel is dat de meeteenheid niet wordt veranderd door externe factoren. Immers, bij een verandering van de meeteenheid hebben we altijd te maken met verliezers en winnaars (inflatie en deflatie). Geld dient een consistente waarde te vertegenwoordigen gedurende haar levensduur, waardoor niemand onrecht wordt aangedaan en niemand onverdiende winsten geniet zoals nu het geval. In ons huidige geldsysteem creëren banken geld tegen rente gebaseerd op onderlinge betalingsbeloftes zonder dat de bank daar iets voor opgeeft of zelfs maar risico loopt. Men bewijst ons ook geen service maar een disservice, omdat geldcreatie tegen rente uiteindelijk onoplosbare schuldenproblematiek met zich meebrengt, en de daaruit voortvloeiende consequenties.

In plaats van ruilhandel, gingen we geld gebruiken. Geld is daarom wellicht een van de grootste uitvindingen omdat het de liquiditeit van iedere economie enorm vergroot. Geld stelt ons tenslotte in staat om snel en effectief verschillende goederen en diensten te ruilen.

 Belangrijkste eigenschappen voor geld:

  • Reken/Meet eenheid voor waarde
  • Opslageenheid van consistente waarde
  • Ruilmiddel

Geld is het fundament voor iedere economie, en wanneer we monetaire rechtvaardigheid nastreven dient geld een consistente waarde te behouden gedurende haar levensduur. Alleen in “mathematically perfected economy™” (hierna MPE) wordt de waarde van geld gedurende de gehele levensduur bewaard door een 1:1:1 verhouding tussen [1] de geldcirculatie, [2] de resterende schuld/verplichting, en [3] de resterende waarde van het gerelateerde onderpand.

De huidige realiteit & de privatisering van ons geld door bankiers, voor bankiers

In het huidige aan ons opgelegde private geldsysteem is vrijwel al het geld ¨Schuld¨, en die ¨Schuld¨ bestaat uit een hoofdsom + (periodieke) rente.

Het bankensysteem) heeft op slinkse wijze de macht verkregen om onze betalingsbeloftes (b.v. een hypotheekakte) te her-publiceren in de vorm van Euro’s als een schuld + periodieke rente tegen verwaarloosbare kosten en zonder zelfs maar risico te lopen. Het bankensysteem geeft gedurende dit proces niets op van eerder legaal bezit wat naar mijn bescheiden mening contractfraude bewerkstelligd, althans in contractrecht geldt dat beide partijen “iets” op moeten geven van gelijksoortige waarde om het contract geldig te laten zijn. “Het ene voor het andere”, en “voor wat hoort wat”.

In de Engelse wet wordt dit “consideration” genoemd, en is een van de belangrijke elementen in contractrecht.

Het bankensysteem is een organisaties waarbij een tussenpersoon die niets produceert (en niet de echte crediteur is) op onnatuurlijke wijze tussenbeide komt met betrekking tot transacties tussen crediteuren en debiteuren. Zij kunnen simpelweg stellen dat betalingsbeloftes alleen goed zijn wanneer deze uitgegeven worden op hun papier of in hun systemen. Door een centrale bank te omgeven met satellietbanken – die in feite acteren als tussenpersoon – werpt de centrale bank de façade op dat legaal verdiende waarde en het risico daarvan op het spel zet. De tussenpersonen (commerciële banken) hebben zogenaamd “geld geleend” van de centrale bank en dit geld is zogenaamd aan “risico” onderhevig als de obligatie niet kan worden terugbetaald. Maar dit is niet het werkelijke risico van dit zogenaamde bankensysteem.

Alles wat de banken doen is onze betalingsbeloftes uitgeven zonder noemenswaardige kosten. Daarbij brengen ze de schuldenaar rente in rekening, alsof eerder legaal verdiende waarde of risico van de bank op het spel staan. Dit geveinsde risico bestaat natuurlijk niet. De bank brengt simpelweg geld in omloop door het op de balans te zetten en in de computer in te voeren. Als die kosten terug zijn verdiend is er voor de bank geen verder risico meer. Dankzij dit systeem vermenigvuldigen ze hun onverdiende winst vele malen met de eerste terugbetaling van de schuld. Een schuld die vanaf het begin vele malen groter is dan de waarde van het onderliggende onderpand.

Door het moedwillig misleiden, en afleiden (middels onnodig ingewikkeld vakjargon) van het publiek denken de meeste mensen dat we geld van een bank lenen, U weet nu beter. Middels bijvoorbeeld een hypotheek verkrijgt een bank onder valse voorwendselen, het “recht” op een belangrijk deel van uw arbeid/productie, en indien nodig claimt men het onderpand. En dat gebeurt zonder dat de bank daar iets van eerder legaal bezit tegenover stelt. De bank creëert via elektronische invoer in het systeem een krediet extensie gebaseerd op uw handtekening (betaalbelofte) met het onderpand en uw kredietwaardigheid als zekerheid.

Zoals gezegd stelt de bank daar niets tegenover. De bank is op de een of andere manier verstrekker geworden van onze onderlinge betalingsbeloftes (geld) van koper aan verkoper tegen verwaarloosbare kosten. Desalniettemin betaalt u per saldo over de hele looptijd van de hypotheek uw woning misschien wel twee tot drie keer, afhankelijk van de gemiddelde rentestand over de looptijd van de hypotheek. De Nederlandse bank voelt de bui al hangen, en legt het nog maar zeer recent zo uit.

Er is echter wettelijk gezien geen schuld aan de bank, immers was het geld voorheen niet legaal in het bezit van het bankensysteem, en het is moreel verwerpelijk. Je geeft één private organisatie het recht om claims op ons allemaal uit te geven, zonder dat daar een tegenprestatie tegenover staat. Het geeft een immense macht, en die leg je dan op één centrale plek

Misdaden tegen de mensheid
Gefalsificeerde leningen, tegen daardoor onrechtmatige rente

Banken pretenderen dus dat ze ons geld lenen (misleiding), maar komen slechts tussenbeide in zaken tussen burgers en bedrijven en her-publiceren onze betalingsbeloftes als Euro’s in hun computersysteem tegen verwaarloosbare kosten. Het bankensysteem brengt ons hiervoor periodieke rente in rekening. In de realiteit zijn wij als burgers de scheppers van geld. De mensen die produceren, uitvinden, ontwikkelen, werken, enzovoort.

Waarom zou een weldenkend volk (en haar gekozen overheid) rente betalen over haar eigen ruilmiddel, immers zijn wij het die waarde creëren en dus het ruilmiddel. Maar erger nog, het is diezelfde onrechtvaardige rente dat het criminele, en immorele geld systeem terminaal van karakter maakt, waarvan we de gevolgen overal om ons heen waarnemen.

  • Ongelijkheid (een rekenkundige zekerheid)
  • Prijsinflatie (voortdurend stijgende kosten van levensonderhoud)
  • Monetaire deflatie (chronisch gebrekkige geldcirculatie in economie/samenleving)
  • Onomkeerbare vermenigvuldiging van vervalste schuld door onrechtvaardigde rente in uiteindelijk terminale schulden
  • Bedrijven, overheden (landen), en private faillissementen
  • Privatiseringen
  • Bezuinigingen
  • Economische groei ten koste van alles
  • Hebzucht, exploitatie, speculatie, corruptie, oorlog, armoede, misdaad, extremisme
  • Desintegratie van sociale (infra) structuren
  • Werkeloosheid, verhoogde werkdruk, stress, burn-out, depressie, zelfmoord
  • Kind verwaarlozing, kinderen niet opgevoed door ouders, maar door leraren en dagcentra die plotseling overal om ons heen verschenen
  • Vermogens verschuiving van de “many” naar de “few” die steeds meer van ons leven beheersen middels media, politiek, justitie, en onderwijs (belangrijk) omdat onze enige kans is dat we het allemaal begrijpen. Waarom is een van de belangrijkste fundamenten van onze samenleving (geld) geen verplicht studie onderwerp op (basis)scholen?

Schuldenlast neemt onomkeerbaar toe door rente      Toename van schulden sinds 2007

Wereldwijde schuldenlastChange in debt 2007-2014

Schuld is niet het probleem!
Waarom geld creatie als schuld?
De twee voor de hand liggende alternatieven met betrekking tot de uitgifte van nieuw geld zijn: [1] Als overheidsbestedingen in de economie (geld wordt simpelweg gecreëerd door de overheid, vrij van schuld), of… [2] de uitgifte als schuld. Wat zijn de gevolgen of eventuele verschillen?

De integriteit van de schuld
Het belangrijkste verschil zit hem in het feit dat we bij schuldvrije overheidsbestedingen geen middel hebben om geld ook weer te onttrekken uit de circulatie (per afschrijving/consumptie onderpand), om zodoende een dynamische balans te garanderen tussen geld in omloop en datgene wat het geld representeert/dekking geeft. Bovendien is het onmogelijk om via overheidsbestedingen de hele breedte van de economie te bereiken op een eerlijke manier.

Schuld is dus simpelweg het rekenkundige gereedschap benodigd om de 1:1:1 verhouding tussen de geldcirculatie, de resterende schuld/verplichting en de resterende waarde van het gerelateerde onderpand te bewerkstelligen, hetgeen op zijn beurt onveranderde koopkracht garandeert van ons geld (geen inflatie, en geen deflatie). Niemand kan problemen hebben met het terugbetalen van een schuld aan de hand van afschrijving of consumptie van het onderpand. De echte crediteur (bijvoorbeeld de verkoper van een huis) wordt direct volledig betaald. Er wordt niemand onrecht aangedaan.

Het is dus niet schuld wat het probleem is. Schuld stelt bijvoorbeeld een pas getrouwd stel in staat om een woning te kopen, terwijl ze daar de middelen nog niet meteen voor hebben. Het is schuld dat ons de mogelijkheid verschaft om geld weer te onttrekken vanuit de geldcirculatie, teneinde een dynamische balans te behouden tussen de circulatie en datgene (resterende waarde onderpand) wat die circulatie vertegenwoordigt. Dit is de enige oplossing voor monetaire inflatie en deflatie*. De som van de schuld is nooit groter dan het geld in circulatie, en de integriteit van de schuld wordt gewaarborgd door een afbetalingsschema waarin de debiteur terugbetaald voor het gerelateerde onderpand aan de hand van consumptie of afschrijving. Martijn Jeroen van der Linden heeft volledig gelijk wan neer hij zegt dat we alleen een waardevaste munt kunnen realiseren zodra we inflatie en deflatie oplossen. Alleen met het in MPE omschreven proces wordt die doelstelling gerealiseerd.

*Inflatie en deflatie gedefinieerd als toename of afname van het geld in circulatie per datgene wat het vertegenwoordigt.

Het probleem is Rente
Het betalen van (gefalsificeerde) schuld in het huidige monetaire systeem veroorzaakt een onomkeerbare cyclus van voortdurend lenen tegen rente en daardoor onomkeerbare vermenigvuldiging van schulden. Tegenover iedere nieuwe schuld staat een verplichting om rente te betalen, terwijl alleen de hoofdsom van de schuld in circulatie wordt gebracht. Om een noodzakelijke vitale circulatie van geld in omloop te kunnen handhaven moet men opnieuw minstens zoveel lenen als men heeft betaald uit de oorspronkelijke omloop, terwijl de totale schuld onomkeerbaar blijft toenemen. Dit terminale proces veroorzaakt uiteindelijk onoplosbare schuldenproblematiek waarvan we het bewijs nu overal om ons heen zien. Het probleem is de onomkeerbare vermenigvuldiging van gefalsificeerde schuld door onrechtvaardige rente. Rente heeft een kritische fout, zolang rente wordt toegepast is het onmogelijk om de effecten te neutraliseren en de consequenties te stabiliseren, het proces is voortdurend, onomkeerbaar, en terminaal. Het is een fundamenteel mensenrecht om betalingsbeloftes uit te geven vrij van extrinsieke manipulatie, wijzigingen, of exploitatie van die beloftes, of de natuurlijk mogelijkheid om die beloftes na te komen.

“Anyone who believes that exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist”

Op de website kun je nog steeds de spreadsheets downloaden die in 1983-84 zijn gemaakt op verzoek van de Reagan Administratie, waarvan de uitkomst was dat het op krediet (onderwerp van rente) gebaseerde private geldsysteem rond 2010 in de terminale fase zouden belanden. Waarvan akte!

“Het is geen mysterie om het storingspatroon in onze pseudo “economie” te projecteren veroorzaakt door rente, als rente de ¨schuld¨ onomkeerbaar en voortdurend vermenigvuldigt in verhouding tot de gewenste geldcirculatie, en steeds meer van iedere Euro gewijd wordt aan deze ¨schulden¨, dan kan daardoor steeds minder van iedere Euro in circulatie aangewend worden voor de economie. Reguleringen en boetes kunnen dit terminale proces slechts vertragen.”

In MPE worden noch productie noch consumptie belemmerd door het opleggen van extrinsieke kosten (rente). Van belang is dat we een valuta circulatie beschikbaar stellen voor de productie die geen belemmeringen, beperkingen, of andere onrechtvaardigheden oplegt. Productie en ondernemen worden volledig ondersteund door een liquide, waardevaste en efficiënte valuta.

Monetaire inflatie en prijsinflatie verklaard
Hedendaagse “economen” gebruiken de term “inflatie” om twee heel verschillende dingen uit te drukken, alsof prijsinflatie een gevolg zou zijn van monetaire inflatie. In de pseudo-wetenschap die men ten onrechte economie noemt is er geen formele stelling en/of bewijs dat in een geldsysteem onderhevig aan rente [1] monetaire inflatie daadwerkelijk optreedt en dat [2] monetaire inflatie de prijsinflatie veroorzaakt.

Integendeel, de enige manier om monetaire inflatie te produceren is wanneer we meer lenen dan de waarde die het onderpand vertegenwoordigt, of dat we minder terugbetalen dan de verplichting. Het eerste is niet toegestaan, en het tweede is rekenkundig onmogelijk omdat we naast de hoofdsom ook de rente moeten betalen uit een circulatie slechts bestaat uit resterende hoofdsommen. Faillissementen zijn hierin meegerekend en het verder inflateren van de geldhoeveelheid in circulatie werkt slechts tijdelijk en de effecten hiervan zijn te verwaarlozen.

Dus in plaats van de gevreesde monetaire inflatie, lijden we aan een chronisch deflaterende circulatie. En om deze reden alleen kan monetaire inflatie dus nooit de reden zijn van prijsinflatie. Derhalve is het onmogelijk dat er een correlatie is tussen monetaire inflatie en prijsinflatie.

Prijsinflatie is niettemin aanwezig in het huidige systeem. Op zoek naar de oorzaak komen we al snel bij de boosdoener, de enige component die toegevoegd is aan onze valuta, namelijk rente. Dat komt omdat de rente permanent en onomkeerbaar de schulden laat toenemen in verhouding tot de hoeveelheid geld in circulatie.
De steeds stijgende kosten van deze vermenigvuldigende schulden komen te rusten op onze industrie en samenleving, wat alsmaar stijgende kosten van levensonderhoud (prijsinflatie) tot gevolg heeft. Prijsinflatie wordt veroorzaakt door rente, en de enige manier om prijsinflatie (los van tijdelijke vraag en aanbod situaties) te voorkomen is door het elimineren van deze rente.

De meeste “economen” pleiten dus voor een systeem dat de diefstal op ons maximaliseert door de façade dat prijsinflatie wordt gecontroleerd door rente, terwijl het juist die rente is die de solvabiliteit steeds verder onder druk zet.

Vier cruciale vragen aan de Nederlandse Bank
Omdat gefalsificeerde geldcreatie begon bij centrale banken, en omdat alles draait om financiële stabiliteit (zoals op de site van De Nederlandsche Bank en andere centrale banken staat vermeld), hebben we eerder in dit verband DNB verzocht antwoorden te geven op onderstaande vragen, waarvan we tot op heden slechts een bevestiging van ontvangst hebben, maar nog geen antwoorden.

  1. Hoe is het mogelijk om een vitale geldcirculatie te behouden zonder het opbouwen van onoplosbare schulden?
  2. Wat is de claim van het banksysteem dat er een schuld bestaat aan banken?
  3. Wat is de claim op rente wanneer het banksysteem slechts de marginale kosten absorbeert van het her-publiceren van onze onderlinge betalingsbeloftes aan elkaar?
  4. Op basis van welke wettige (contractuele) overweging claimt het banksysteem dat het eerder bezit opgeeft wanneer geldcreatie plaatsvindt?

Wat nu?

Van geprivatiseerd “geld” naar een verantwoorde publieke monetaire infrastructuur.

Wat is “Mathematically Perfected Economy™”? (MPE)

MPE biedt ons een publiek (non-profit) boekhoudkundige monetaire infrastructuur met een valuta (ons geld) zonder rente, bestaande uit de administratie van onderlinge betalingsbeloftes voor alle personen en toegestane ondernemingen, met een terugbetaal verplichting zoals men verbruikt/consumeert van de gerelateerde onderpanden.

Mike Montagne is (sinds 1968) de grondlegger van dit alternatieve rentevrij geldsysteem, waarover hij het een en ander gepubliceerd heeft op (de website is helaas wat gedateerd, maar inhoudelijk een absolute aanrader)

Er is in MPE geen inflatie of deflatie, omdat het geld in omloop altijd nagenoeg gelijk is aan de resterende waarde van de bestaande onderpanden. De hoeveelheid geld is in dit systeem altijd consistent in kwantiteit met de resterende waarde van de onderpanden die bestaan, en waarvoor de valuta in circulatie was gebracht. Hierdoor verkrijgt de valuta zijn gelijkblijvende koopkracht. Het (resterende) geld in omloop is altijd toereikend om de som van schuld af te betalen. Verdere productie wordt dus niet belemmerd door een gebrekkige geldcirculatie (zoals nu het geval is omdat er meer moet worden terugbetaald dan er in de circulatie aanwezig is door de factor rente). In MPE nemen schulden ten opzichte van de resterende waarde van de onderpanden niet exponentieel toe, omdat simpelweg de rentelast ontbreekt.

In MPE worden noch productie noch consumptie belemmerd door het opleggen van extra kosten (rente). Van belang is dat we een geldcirculatie beschikbaar stellen voor onze productie die geen belemmeringen, beperkingen, of andere onrechtvaardigheden oplegt. Productie en ondernemen worden volledig ondersteund door een liquide, waardevaste, en efficiënte valuta.

“MPE is niet meer dan een enkelvoudig recept, voor het elimineren van onrechtvaardige en terminale interventie.”

In dit model wordt een betalingsbelofte aangegaan voor b.v. een woning met een vrije marktwaarde van €100.000 en een levensduur van 100 jaar tegen €1.000 aflossing per jaar, oftewel €83,33 per maand. Na 100 jaar is de woning afgeschreven en de belofte van €100.000 volledig terugbetaald. De betalingsbelofte van €100.000 is nu volledig uit circulatie genomen, en is het eigendom van niemand meer.

MPE kort samengevat:
Geen private (geldscheppende) banken meer, maar een landelijk/Europese nutsinstelling als Gemeenschappelijk Monetaire Infrastructuur (GMI, een vierde macht los van politieke invloeden).

Niet anders dan de infrastructuur die banken nu gebruiken. Als het aan mij ligt nemen we de bestaande structuur over (we hebben die immers zelf betaald). In deze omgeving wordt het MPE geldbeheer* geïmplementeerd en toegepast. Alles wordt daar onder voorwaarde van uiterste privacy bijgehouden. Je salaris komt binnen, betalingen worden gedaan, kredietwaardigheid gecontroleerd in geval van aanvraag “financiering”, etc.

*De rekenkundige/boekhoudkundige relatie van 1:1:1 tussen [a] Geld in omloop (Circulatie), [b] (Rest) Waarde Vertegenwoordigt Eigendom, en [c] Resterende Aflossings Verplichting.

Hoe we de valuta noemen is niet relevant voor de integriteit. We kunnen met de naam Euro doorgaan en (bij voorkeur) implementeren op Europees niveau. De kosten van implementatie zijn te verwaarlozen. Er verandert praktisch gezien niet veel ten opzichte van het huidige systeem.

Door de voorwaarden en de uitvoering op te nemen in onze grondwet voorkom je dat de politiek zichzelf afwijkend gaat gedragen ten opzichte van datgene dat we afgesproken hebben. Overheid kan voor controle en uitvoering zorg dragen.

Ter implementatie en naleving is er een concept mandaat (Absolute Consensual Representation) kortweg ACR genoemd. Het volledige concept is te lezen op:  Opnemen (per democratisch besluit, geheel, of aangepast) in de grondwet.

Een voorbeeld: We hebben de volgende gegevens en ik neem daarbij een loonbedrijf (kredietwaardig) als voorbeeld die de aanschaf van een machine wil financieren. De op dat moment geldende vrije marktprijs van een machine inclusief een service contract en garantie. €100.000. De financieringsbehoefte voor aan te schaffen machine is dus €100.000. De gemiddelde levensduur van de machine is voor dit voorbeeld bekend of kan redelijkerwijs ingeschat worden. Laten we zeggen tien jaar.

We hanteren een 1:1:1 ratio tussen a) geldcirculatie, b) vertegenwoordigd eigendom van de (rest)waarde), en c) (resterende) Aflossingsverplichting/afschrijving

(Nieuwe) Geld Circulatie
a.) De €100.000 die in circulatie worden gebracht met de machine en de kredietwaardigheid van de koper (lener) als onderpand. De verkoper wordt meteen volledig betaald.

(Resterende) Waarde onderpand
b) Dit is de €100.000 aan waarde vertegenwoordigd door eigendom met lineaire afschrijving over 10 jaar.

(Resterende) Aflossingsverplichting per afschrijving/consumptie
c) €100.000 betekent een aflossing €10.000 per jaar over de levensduur van de machine van 10 jaar.
Totaal terugbetaald na 10 jaar: €100.000.

In de praktijk gebruiken we een de-escalerende/non lineaire afschrijving, waarbij de afgeschreven bedragen van hoog naar steeds lager gaan. Zo zijn er nog een aantal methodes om de realiteit zo dicht mogelijk te benaderen.

Je ziet dat we hier de levenscyclus van geld hebben voorgesteld zonder rente, met geld als meeteenheid en verschaffer van liquiditeit voor de handel gedekt en waarde gegeven door onderpand, en kredietwaardigheid ondernemer. Een kredietwaardigheid die hij niet wil verliezen!

De concrete voordelen
Geen inflatie of deflatie, geen mogelijkheid tot systematische manipulatie van ons geld en eigendommen, en geen onoplosbare schuldenbergen die zichzelf (exponentieel) blijven vermenigvuldigen door rente. Vennootschapsbelasting kan worden afgeschaft, overheden financieren op dezelfde wijze, en gebruikers van een door de overheid gefinancierde structuur/dienst betalen aan de hand van afschrijving, voor pensioenvoorzieningen kunnen we besluiten om een bepaald percentage van het verdiende geld verplicht te reserveren (behoud van koopkracht is immers gewaarborgd), aandelenmarkten (centers van exploitatie) worden overbodig gemaakt, immers is privaat kapitaal niet langer noodzakelijk ter financiering (wie wil concurreren tegen 0% rente?), meer besteedbaar inkomen, behoud van koopkracht.

“To find the players in all the corruption of the world, ‘Follow the money.’ To find the captains of world corruption, follow the money all the way.”

The Ruse about the Banking System and how our Debts are Falsified

“The initial bank” is not usually the bank you went to. What we’re concerned with in *the origin* of every unit of circulation, is always whatever “bank” *created” the [obfuscation] of *our* “money.”

In virtually all systems and in most cases, this is (“uniformly”) a CENTRAL bank. “The” “central bank” “of” the United States for example is the 12 private “Federal Reserve” “Banks.”

The central bank(s) do not interface with the public. Money comes into existence *from* the central bank(s) by ostensible “lending” from the central bank to what I call “peripheral banks” or “intermediate banks.” It is these peripheral banks from which you engage in faux “borrowing” only to acquire a representation of your promissory obligation. You should be careful not use (or to think) of these banks as your “initial bank,” for they are NOT (generally) the purported creators of money — yet money may be thought to initiate there — particularly as you engage in issuing or instantiating your promissory obligation there.

Yes, THAT (peripheral bank) is the true beginning of the life cycle of every unit of currency, because your promissory obligation in fact gives “money” (or this obfuscation of money) the very entirety of its legal and monetary substance. The proper life cycle of *all* “money” (obfuscated or not) in truth begins here.

But this is NOT where the structure of the system (wrongly) PLACES the beginning of the obfuscated life cycle of money — and this is how reason has them in such a terminal legal conundrum.

Why do they move the beginning of the life cycle of every unit of circulation *elsewhere* (somewhere *other than* the _real_ initial “bank”?

Effectively, they MUST pretend that money IS indeed “borrowed.”

It is imperative to the ruse then, that faux creation under fraudulent pretences sustains the wrongful idea that you are indeed borrowing. How is this done?

Well if your wrong “initial bank” in the parlance of the improprieties of the system is forced “to borrow” money from a central bank which on the contrary is no more than publishing a further representation of your promissory obligation — in which obligation and contract they have no rightful stake whatsoever — well then, even the very records we can examine of the seeming transaction seem to corroborate that you did indeed borrow money then — and furthermore *that* *commensurable consideration* (in other words ***THE*** money) was INDEED GIVEN UP!

If you make the peripheral bank your “initial bank” in any testimony then, NO ONE can understand that you are wronged at all.

All veritable, relevant, and revelatory testimony therefore must explain the obfuscation not from the bank which issues it, because at that phase of the ruse, all the seemingly relevant indications predicate that we believe we have borrowed money from the peripheral bank, because we can see from the records of the money that the peripheral bank borrowed the money from the central bank (or lent from already existing funds — which as I have just demonstrated in previous posts… IS the USUAL course of “money” — it is lent back into circulation practically as fast and in as much volume as principal and interest are paid *from* our possession to the unwarranted possession of the purported banking system.

How much deeper do we have to start in resurrecting the actual life cycle of money?

Well, if we look into the seemingly bearing jurisdiction of banking law in examining the ostensible legality of *the central bank* *issuing ostensible credit*, everything appears to be just fine as well.

You can *never* discover anything wrong then; and anyone can never *understand* that anything is wrong, until you dig beneath the ostensible law to understand that the central bank IS NOT merely ISSUING “CREDIT.” AU CONTRAIRE, it is fraudulently MAKING that credit a falsified debt to itself.

How do we understand this?

By understanding that the CREATING “bank” creating bank NEVER gives up commensurable consideration. Never can we understand that there is an intentional obfuscation of your promissory obligation into not a falsified debt to “the initial” “bank,” or issuing bank — BUT A FALSIFIED DEBT TO *****THE BANKING SYSTEM*****.

You must never phrase your case in reference to just one bank then, for it is thru A DEVIOUSLY CONCEIVED NETWORK of central banks within a periphery of peripheral banks, that the ruse is SUSTAINED by making it appear at the level of EACH peripheral bank, that debt is indeed incurred to the banking system.

This is why you always hear me saying falsified debt *****to the banking SYSTEM*****. Never to a given bank. THE DEBT IS FALSIFIED by THE SYSTEM.

No casual remark or observation will do then as reasonable testimony, or even as an ostensible thought. Once you understand this, you see it is a coordinated and intentional crime, perpetrated through the intentionally malevolent design of a system which no knowledgeable public in history has, or ever will, give its assent to.

Realize this, and think of these crimes always in these terms… and a judge and jury will feel the weight of a potential whole public coming to understand these crimes when they contemplate sustaining these crimes against you. This thing can never be a vague assertion if it is to prevail. The public which *does* come to understand these facts will never unite saying “money is created out of thin air” — for any nuance we have wrong is in fact not understanding at all — and therefore NOTHING either to unite upon, or to defeat legal system corrupted by the intentional subversion of our enemy.

When everything WE (all) say is perfectly and conclusively relevant, then and then alone are we ready to win this thing.